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School Uniform


Our uniform consists of a grey skirt or pinafore, sky blue shirt and v-necked jumper from Grants (see below). Girls may wear grey slacks from Hallowe’en to Easter. It is very important that the girls wear solid, “sensible” shoes or boots with white socks, tights or stockings. These can all be purchased in town between Dunnes, Marks and Spencer, Penney’s, Debenhams or Arnott’s. For safety reasons, as the school is spread over 3 floors, we strongly discourage the wearing of flimsy footwear or loose, oversized, shapeless boots. Velcro fastened shoes also save lots of time and frustration, especially in Junior Classes.

For sports, we have a special school tracksuit.

Tracksuits & Jumpers available through Grants’ Uniforms, 7-8 Manor Street, Dublin 8. Tel:(01) 6791626