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Science (S.E.S.E)

“The Air and Water Cycle for Young Scientists!!!”… (a suggested website from Grand Prairie, Texas! Thanks, y’all!

Junior Infs:

Senior Infants:

1st Class:

Science Quest 1 – Web Links

Chapter 1: Ssshhhh…

Play a sound game: Web Link
A game about making music: Web Link
Play around with sound: Web Link

Chapter 2: That Sinking Feeling!

Teacher Icon ImageA floating and sinking experiment you could try in class: Web Link
Sort these objects and say if they will float or sink: Web Link
You can float too but you have to find out how to be safe in water: Web Link
Teacher Icon ImagePrint off these pages for your pupils to learn about water safety while colouring in: Web Link

Chapter 3: Leaf Rubbings

Find out a bit about trees: Web Link
Teacher Icon ImageWorksheets and teachers notes to help you teach the subject of trees: Web Link

Chapter 4: Getting Rusty

Teacher Icon ImageAn experiment for you to try in class: Web Link
Look at some rusty old cars. Find the worst! Web Link

Chapter 5: Tough Guys

Teacher Icon ImageSee a video about chicks in a nest. You need to download a video viewer: Web Link
Like birds’ eggs, insects have tough shells too! Web Link

Chapter 6: Undersea Life

Lots of sea creature games and puzzles on this site: Web Link
Teacher Icon ImageFind a new screensaver for the class computer: Web Link
Play this game about sea animals: Web Link

Chapter 7: Treasure Map

Teacher Icon ImageA treasure map for you to print and have your class colour in: Web Link
Read and listen to this treasure map story: Web Link

Chapter 8: Fruit and Vegetables

Complete this quiz and learn all about a healthy diet: Web Link
Make a veggie man with these fruit and vegetables: Web Link

Chapter 9: The Karate Kid

Teacher Icon ImageA nice exercise on wind to print and have your class complete: Web Link
Complete this windmill jigsaw: Web Link

Chapter 10: Crystal Clear

Teacher Icon ImageAn experiment to show you how to make sugar crystals: Web Link
Pick your favourite gemstone from this collection: Web Link

Chapter 11: Tinkle, Tinkle, Little Jar

Find out about making music: Web Link
Teacher Icon ImageLearn how to make a homemade xylophone using glasses and water: Web Link

2nd Class


Science Quest 2 – Web Links

Chapter 1: Lemon Suds

Teacher Icon ImageAn experiment showing how to make lemon suds: Web Link
Play this scrub-a-pup game: Web Link

Chapter 2: Make a Rainbow

Paint a rainbow online. Web Link
Teacher Icon ImageLearn how to decorate walls with rainbows from compact discs: Web Link
Teacher Icon ImageLots of rainbow colouring pages here – print them off and have your class colour them in: Web Link

Chapter 3: High and Dry

Some ways to show the invisibility of ‘air’: Web Link
Ideas for making wind chimes – a great way to ‘see’ invisible air move: Web Link

Chapter 4: Plant Bubbles

Teacher Icon ImageThe plant bubble experiment leads quite naturally onto the importance of plants and trees for life on earth. This site shows how to grow trees from seeds. A very worthwhile follow-up to the lesson: Web Link
This is a simple site all about plants. Clink on ‘What do plants need?’ to find out more about oxygen but the other sections of this site are worth checking out as well: Web Link

Chapter 5: Balloons Away

Teacher Icon ImageApplication of the balloon boat experiment: Web Link
Use straws and string to ‘direct’ the balloon you release… Web Link
Teacher Icon ImageMore fun releasing balloons – this time using a bendy straw to make them spin in circles: Web Link

Chapter 6: Environmental Care

Play this recycle-against-the-clock game: Web Link
Teacher Icon ImageVideo about recycling – language is a little difficult for this level but the accompanying images, and familiarity with the subject matter made it easy enough to follow: Web Link
Meet Earthman, Sunny Ray and Moonbeam and a host of other Planetpals on this very child-friendly site: Web Link

Chapter 7: Now you see it… Now you don’t!

Teacher Icon ImageNice patterns for ‘spinners’ or thaumatropes – click on the printable version for a very impressive art/science lesson: Web Link
Teacher Icon ImageAnother optical illusion toy with a big name! Making a phenakistascope integrates nicely with art and it’s also a lot of fun! Web Link

Chapter 8: Waterproof

Play this challenging weather game: Web Link
Have a go at testing different materials to see if they are waterproof: Web Link

Chapter 9: Oil and Water

Teacher Icon ImageExperiment to compare the density of objects: Web Link
This site explains how to make a lava lamp using oil and water: Web Link

Chapter 10: Whatever Floats your Boat

Playdough boat experiment with explanation: Web Link
Information and experiments all about air pressure: Web Link

Chapter 11: Thirsty Plants and Plant Pipes

Simple game showing how plants need water to grow: Web Link
Teacher Icon ImageVariations of the absorption experiment in the book: Web Link 1Web Link 2

3rd Class


Science Quest 3 – Web Links

Chapter 1: Burst Your Bubble

Teacher Icon ImageAn experiment showing you how to make a cube-shaped bubble: Web Link
Here are a few simple bubble games: Web Link

Chapter 2: Grow a Tree – Part 1 and Chapter 20: Grow a Tree – Part 2

Teacher Icon ImageDownload these worksheets to help your lesson on trees: Web Link
Learn about the life of a tree: Web Link

Chapter 3: A Sound Idea

Lots of games here to help you practice new ways of listening: Web Link
Teacher Icon ImageGood experiment involving vibrations: Web Link
A great game using sound… help the mermaid get her voice back! Web Link

Chapter 4: Hello! Hello!

Read other people’s results when they made string telephones: Web Link
What is sound? Web Link

Chapter 5: Splish Splash

Lots to see and do on this site – all about water! Web Link

Chapter 6: The Windbag

Teacher Icon ImageLots of activities here about electricity, the environment and wind energy: Web Link

Chapter 7: Walking on Air

A few experiments here on air pressure: Web Link
Find out about air pressure: Web Link (Choose a topic: Air pressure)

Chapter 8: Good Egg!

Teacher Icon ImageAnother version of the egg experiment that is in the book: Web Link
Learn how a submarine works: Web Link
Read these buoyancy basics: Web Link
Find out about the Dead Sea: Web Link

Chapter 9: Make a Bird Feeder

Read this guide to garden birds: Web Link

Chapter 10: A Water Washer

Find out why water filters are so important: Web Link
Read comments from kids who already tried the experiment in the book: Web Link

Chapter 11: Any Old Iron?

Play this fun magnet game: Web Link
Read these interesting facts about magnets: Web Link
Teacher Icon ImageLots of information here you could use in lesson plans: Web Link

Chapter 12: Heart to Heart

This site is packed with fun activities that teach you how to maintain a healthy heart: Web Link
Find out more about your heart here: Web Link
Lots of information here about your heart and circulatory system: Web Link

Chapter 13: How does it Work: The Nappy

Time for you to soak up a few facts! Web Link (Choose a Topic – Absorbency)
Click on ‘Watch the Video’ to see a demo about instant snow: Web Link

Chapter 14: Yummy Yummy Yuck!

What are taste buds? Find out here: Web Link
Teacher Icon ImageLots of experiments here to test your sense of taste: Web Link

Chapter 15: Going, Going, Gone

Lots of experiments here on solids: Web Link
Teacher Icon ImageAn experiment to see if heat helps solids to dissolve: Web Link

Chapter 16: Slime Time!

Teacher Icon ImageHere are some recipes and instructions on how to make slime: Web Link 1Web Link 2

Chapter 17: Sticky Balloons

Read all about lightening: Web Link
Teacher Icon ImageA nice experiment with static electricity: Web Link
Teacher Icon ImageDownload these videos of lightening and show in class: Web Link

Chapter 18: Bendy Water

Teacher Icon ImageHave a look at these static electricity experiments: Web Link
Learn ways to make static electricity: Web Link

Chapter 19: Fizzy Lizzy Blows Her Top!

See a video of this cola and mints experiment: Web Link
Some guys took it a bit further… go for the full screen view! Web Link

Chapter 20: Grow a Tree – Part 2

Look at the links for Chapter 2.
Click here to see a video of germinating seeds: Web Link

And a little bit extra…

This is a good science site with lots more ideas for you to try: Web Link

Teacher Icon ImageThis experiment shows how to make interesting colour mixes with oil, water, food colouring, vinegar etc: Web Link
Teacher Icon ImageA variation on the above but this time using milk, glue, detergent and food colouring to make a solid disc of colour: Web Link

4th Class

Science Quest 4 – Web Links

Chapter 1: The Wave Machine

Teacher Icon ImageThis experiment shows how to make interesting colour mixes with oil, water, food colouring, vinegar etc: Web Link
Teacher Icon ImageA variation on the above but this time using milk, glue, detergent and food colouring to make a solid disc of colour: Web Link

Chapter 2: Oak Gall Ink

Read these facts about the Book of Kells: Web Link
Teacher Icon ImageA detailed explanation of oak gall ink and its history: Web Link

Chapter 3: A Salt Course

Teacher Icon ImageHarvest your own salt. A practical application of the experiment in Science Quest 4: Web Link
Harvest your own salt from water by following the instructions in this experiment… be very patient! Web Link

Chapter 4: Parachutes

Teacher Icon ImageAn experiment showing you how to make a parachute. Great fun if you enjoy mess! Web Link
Teacher Icon ImageThis parachute experiment has some useful tips worth checking out: Web Link
Teacher Icon ImageHere are lots of parachute games you can try with your class: Web Link
Read this experiment on how to make a parachute – includes an explanation: Web Link

Chapter 5: Kitchen Chemistry

Have a look at these experiments that use chemical reactions – includes explanations: Web Link 1Web Link 2

Chapter 6: Brake Time

Scroll down the topic choice list and choose ‘friction’. There’s lots to see and do here: Web Link
Shows some interesting examples of friction (and friction reduction) from real life – snakes, skates, palms and space shuttles: Web Link

Chapter 7: Get a Grip!

Teacher Icon ImageThis video shows (and explains) the great tablecloth trick: Web Link
This is an excellent game based on the degree of friction of different materials: Web Link

Chapter 8: Keeping Water Out

Test various materials to see if they are waterproof: Web Link

Chapter 9: A Little Light Work

Read through this easy and colourful guide to electric circuits: Web Link
Play this very simple game that shows the effect of increasing battery voltage: Web Link

Chapter 10: The Hovercraft

Teacher Icon ImageA video demonstration of the CD hovercraft – it might help if you are having trouble with the experiment in the book: Web Link
Read about the history of hovercrafts: Web Link

Chapter 11: Blowing in the Wind

Teacher Icon ImageMake your own simple anemometer: Web Link

Chapter 12: 3-D Vision

There are some good optical illusion videos on this site: Web Link
Plenty of 3-D viewing illusions (and clear instructions) on this site: Web Link

Chapter 13: The Crusher

Teacher Icon ImageHave a look at this video which shows the force of air pressure: Web Link
Teacher Icon ImageThis experiment shows the relative speed of molecules of water in hot and in cold water. An interesting follow-up to the ‘Crusher’ experiment: Web Link
Have a look at this hot air experiment: Web Link

Chapter 14: Hear! Hear!

The clapping game with troubleshooting comments at the bottom of the page: Web Link
This site explains echolocation… and has lots of information about bats: Web Link
Teacher Icon ImageHave a good look at this video on echolocation: Web Link

Chapter 15: Jumping Flames and Explosions

This site has a good video showing sound waves (but it does get a bit complicated as it goes on): Web Link
Teacher Icon ImageLearn how to see sound waves while playing music… loudly! Web Link

Chapter 16: Bending Light

A variation on the experiment in your textbook that explores the idea that an object can look different when viewed through glass or water: Web Link
Play this challenging game involving mirrors and light: Web Link

Chapter 17: The Human Cannonball

Teacher Icon ImageHave a look at this video – it’s another version of the cannonball experiment in your book: Web Link
Teacher Icon ImageAnother version of the experiment in the textbook, this time using vinegar and bicarbonate soda: Web Link
This experiment shows you how to make rockets rather than human cannonballs. Read comments from other children who have carried out the experiment: Web Link

Chapter 18: Flower Press

If you and your class are interested in gardening (and you have some spare ground), this site will show you how to go about making a wildflower garden: Web Link
Teacher Icon ImageLearn how to change the colour of flowers: Web Link

Chapter 19: Water Pressure

Teacher Icon ImageAnother version of the water pressure experiment in the book: Web Link
Some information and images of Marianas Trench: Web Link


5th Class:

Science Quest 5 – Web Links

Chapter 1: Spreading Weight

Problems with quicksand? Get stuck into this video! Web Link
Bed of nails… snuggle up! Web Link
Teacher Icon ImageGravity is what gives us weight in the first place. Find out more about gravity here: web link.

Chapter 2: Pickled Humpty Dumpty

Find out a little about acids: Web Link (Choose a Topic… Acids)
Teacher Icon ImageLearn how to make a lava lamp: Web Link

Chapter 3: Hot Water

Does water take up more or less space when it turns to ice? Web Link
Teacher Icon ImageFind out how thermometers work: Web Link

Chapter 4: Seeing is Believing

Can our eyes be tricked into seeing things that aren’t really there?
Mind-boggling optical illusions: Web Link 1Web Link 2Web Link 3

Chapter 5: Old Flames – Part 1

Oxygen is needed for fires to burn. Find out why: Web Link
Teacher Icon ImageFind out how to make a simple fire extinguisher: Web Link

Chapter 6: In a Spin

Read about the science of rollercasters: Web Link

Chapter 7: Skin Deep

Teacher Icon ImageLots of cool videos about surface tension: Web Link
Teacher Icon ImageAn experiment that looks at surface tension and soap bubbles: Web Link
Read about a robot that walks on water: Web Link

Chapter 8: A Garden-in-a-Jar

Learn about the water cycle… no, it’s not about cycling a bike: Web Link
Teacher Icon ImageFind out about a biodome… these are giant versions of the garden you can build in a jar. The nearest biodome to us is in Cornwall, England, but its website is a bit dull. Have a look at the Biodome in Canada: Web Link
Complete these Nature Missions and learn more about the ecosystem: Web Link

Chapter 9: Every Breath You Take

Take a look at this video explaining how and why we breathe: Web Link
Lots of information here about fish: Web Link

Chapter 10: Old Flames – Part 2

Learn more about nitrogen: Web Link

Chapter 11: Switch on, Switch off

Some handy stuff to know about electricity: Web Link 1Web Link 2
A nice website for bright sparks: Web Link
Learn about circuits: Web Link

Chapter 12: Too Hot to Handle

Have a look at heat insulators and conductors: Web Link
Try to keep your cool in this Space Shuttle Simulator: Web Link

Chapter 13: The Great Conductor

Find out about electrical conductors: Web Link
and insulators: Web Link
This link should help you to conduct your own experiments with electricity! Web Link

Chapter 14: Go With the Flow

Teacher Icon ImageClick on the ‘Water Flowing Uphill?’ title to see a video about siphons: Web Link
Click on these links to find out about strange sea creatures called sea squirts that use siphons in their bodies to suck food from sea water: Web Link 1Web Link 2
Your toilet works like a siphon: Web Link

Chapter 15: Yeast

Teacher Icon ImageSome experiments you can try with yeast: Web Link
Everything you need to know about yeast: Web Link

Chapter 16: Moving Air

Teacher Icon ImageVideos that show you more about moving air… all thanks to a scientist called Bernoulli: Web Link
Have a look at these experiments with moving air: Web Link 1Web Link 2

Chapter 17: Blue Skies and Golden Sunsets

Why is the sky blue? Web Link
Teacher Icon ImageThis is an experiment to find out why the sky is blue: Web Link

Chapter 18: Catch the Thief

Teacher Icon ImageAn experiment involving ink chromatography: Web Link
Tips for would-be forensic scientists: Web Link

And these sites are just for fun:

Couldn’t quite fit this site into an actual chapter but it looks like lots of fun: Web Link
This whole website is brilliant. Enjoy! Web Link

6th Class:

Science Quest 6 – Web Links

Chapter 1: Potato Power!

Play this game which is all about Ancient Egypt and mummies: Web Link
Lots of information here about mummies: Web Link
Ever wondered why your skin gets wrinkly in water? Find out here: Web Link

Chapter 2: Hoist away! Simple pulleys

Teacher Icon ImageGood video and teachers notes on this site (scroll down topics menu to find ‘pulleys’): Web Link
Have a look at these images of pulleys that are used in the everyday world – try the test to check your knowledge: Web Link

Chapter 3: Pitfalls and Pooters

Learn how to make:
Teacher Icon ImageAn insect pooter: Web Link
Teacher Icon ImageA caterpillar observatory: Web Link
Teacher Icon ImageA home for woodlice: Web Link
Play this fun ‘against the clock’ bug hunt: Web Link
Lots of information here about bugs! Web Link

Chapter 4: Slick Tricks

Teacher Icon ImageGood video and teachers notes on this site (scroll down topics menu to find ‘friction’): Web Link
Teacher Icon ImageSome tips to help you teach the concept of friction: Web Link
Read this detailed explanation of friction: Web Link

Chapter 5: Testing for Starch

Learn more about healthy eating and the food pyramid: Web Link
Teacher Icon ImageMake your own invisible ink! Web Link

Chapter 6: Get your Bearings

Teacher Icon ImageThis experiment shows you how to set up a ‘go slow’ race using marbles (and friction): Web Link

Chapter 7: Kaleidoscope

Teacher Icon ImageLearn how to make a simple periscope: Web Link
Teacher Icon ImageFind out what a phenakistascope is and how to make one: Web Link
Make your own online kaleidoscope: Web Link

Chapter 8: Tornado Machine

Teacher Icon ImageThis video will show you just how your tornado simulator should have worked: Web Link
Learn all about tornadoes: Web Link

Chapter 9: Aerosol Spray Gun

Find out lots of information about aerosol cans and how they work: Web Link

Chapter 10: The Electromagnet

Teacher Icon ImageThis site shows how to make an electromagnet in simple steps: Web Link
Test how much you know about electromagnets and magnets in this short quiz: Web Link

Chapter 11: Circuits and Switches

Teacher Icon ImageLearn how to make an electric buzzer: Web Link 1
and an electric quiz board: Web Link 2
Have a look at this simple animation of a circuit in action: Web Link

Chapter 12: Finding a Balance

Teacher Icon ImageTry this center of gravity butterfly experiment which combines art and science: Web Link
Teacher Icon ImageThe object of this experiment is to balance 12 nails on the head of a single nail: Web Link
Learn how to find out the location of your centre of gravity: Web Link

Chapter 13: Chemistry in the Kitchen

Teacher Icon ImageThis explains the experiment in the textbook very well and the video shows how it should be done: Web Link
Teacher Icon ImageAnother version of the experiment in the textbook – includes comments from children who have already tried the experiment: Web Link
Teacher Icon ImageThis site has teachers notes and a nice simple video – choose ‘acids’ in the topic box: Web Link
Teacher Icon ImageAn interesting demonstration showing how Milk of Magnesia neutralises stomach acids. Web Link

Chapter 14: Algae and Fungi

Lots of information about fungi on this site: Web Link
Read these mushroom facts: Web Link

Chapter 15: Plant Detectives

Lots of information about plants here: Web Link
Teacher Icon ImageThis site shows how to make a very simple seed germinator: Web Link
A challenge for all green-fingered gardeners! How many different types of plants can you grow? Web Link

Chapter 16: Solar Stills

Teacher Icon ImageA variation on the solar still experiment in the textbook: Web Link
Teacher Icon ImageHere are some possible water filtration experiments you can try in class: Web Link
Lots of activities for you here – all about water! Web Link

Chapter 17: Challenging Times

All these sites show you how to complete some of the challenges in this chapter:
Teacher Icon ImageCar powered by ‘puff’: Web Link 1
Teacher Icon ImageCar that zooms: Web Link 2
Teacher Icon ImagePuff mobile part II: Web Link 3
Teacher Icon ImageMake a windmill: Web Link 3


Plants, Animals & Humans

Freshwater Ecology: Lakes and rivers are freshwater ecosystems.

The Tiger: Scatter the puzzle pieces and put them together again to see a beautiful tiger.

Plants: We can’t live without the 300,000 plant species inhabiting our planet.

Arctic Wildlife: Do you know what a puffin is?

Plants that Eat Meat: The Venus Flytrap can “eat” crickets by trapping them. And don’t forget the bladderworts—not from Harry Potter!

North American Zoo: Get the facts on birds, mammals, amphibians and reptiles.

The Mammal Family Reunion: Has it taken 220 million years to get together for a reunion? Really?

Your Gross and Cool Body: Your body has everything gross and cool: pimples, farts, sweat, poop and dandruff!

Basic Plant Parts: Just print out the flashcards, cut out and use or simply print out this page for a study guide on

Photosynthesis: Label each green dot to play the game.

An Animal Database: View anteaters, bats, monkeys, snakes and lizards for a start.

Your Human Body: Did you know that you are made up of around 100 TRILLION cells?

Weather, Space and the Earth

Climate: Not exactly weather, but a long-term pattern of weather over a region.

Global Warming: If the Earth warms up too much, will there still be a North Pole?

Kids and Conservation: Kids can work to help preserve the soil, water and wildlife where they live just like adults can.

Tree House Weather Kids: Seasons, temperature, wind and rock ‘n roll weather make learning about weather fun.

Cloud Dreamer: Make your own cloud design.

NASA Maps: Satellite images in the form of world maps give us a good idea of what is going on all over the earth.

Rainforest Heroes: You can help protect these important forests. Without rainforests are earth’s climate would change dramatically.

Earth’s Atmosphere: The earth’s atmosphere is made up of many layers.

Outer Space: Our solar system is just a tiny part of the universe.

Exploring Weather: Get your local forecast while learning about hurricanes and winter storms.

What is a Tornado? Tornadoes can destroy everything in their path or simply jump over a few houses and leave them untouched.

Sky Diary: Get the facts on storm chasing, tornadoes, hurricanes and lightning.

Biology, Chemistry and Physics

Biology in Motion: Can you recharge your batteries just by eating a balanced lunch?

Dancing Man Body eBook: Kids narrate their book about the human body, explaining things like your heart, which actually is a pump about the size of your fist.

What is Soil? Join Wilbur, the soil wizard, as he explores why soil biology serves an important balance for our earth. You might think of soil as dirt.

The Scientific Method: No matter what kind of science you are studying, the scientific method helps you observe, find data and learn about it.

Body Parts: Play the game to see how well you know your anatomy.

Chemistry for Kids: The basic elements like hydrogen and iron are found abundantly in the universe.

Simple and Complex Machines: The laws of physics make machines work. One of the oldest machines is the wheel and the axle.

Physics for Kids:  Lightning is a form of electricity that happens when electrons move very, very quickly.

Electricity Fun: Many interactive guides to circuits, including videos and a biography about Benjamin Franklin, who studied electricity.

Science Clips: Will a cork, a coin, chalk or rubber complete the circuit?

The Periodic Table of Elements: Print out this periodic table of elements. The elements are accompanied by related pictures to help you learn them.

Basic Chemistry: Chemistry provides building blocks that form a pyramid.

Nutrition and Food

The Food Chain: Living things are connected by food—you have producers and consumers—those who make food and those who eat food.

Nutrition and Fitness Center: Your mission is nutrition and staying fit. All articles in both English and Spanish.

Setting Nutrition Goals: This calendar helps you see if you meet your goal or not.

Nutrition Cafe: Use the clues to find the missing nutrient.

My Pyramid Game: How much do you know about the 5 food groups.

Recipes: Who knew that quicksand and garbage salad could taste so good?

Be a Fit Kid: Fitness is fun—running, playing outside, rollerblading and hiking.

Nutrients for Your Body: What kind of carbohydrates, protein and fiber do you need and how much?

Produce for Kids: Eat smart with fruit and vegetables.

Body and Mind: BAM challenges you to think about food and nutrition—and don’t forget to check out the body and nutrition superheroes.

Food Champs: Pick your guide to games, art and fruit and veggie recipes.

Smart mouth: Do you like smoothies? How about spuds? Is juice really good for you?

Famous Men & Women in Science

Thomas Edison: The movies you see at the cinema are made possible by the inventions of Thomas Edison.

Marie Curie: This scientist discovered the element radium.

Ben Franklin: Ben invented bifocals, a stove, and proved lightning to be electricity.

Count Alessandro Volta: The term “volt” was named after him. A volt is one way to measure electricity.

Alexander Graham Bell: Did he or didn’t he invent the telephone?

Scientist Biographies: Click on the letter of the last name and read about the scientist.

Elizabeth Britton: Elizabeth Britton was a botanist who studied moss.

Biographies of Famous Scientists: Check out Einstein, Pascal, Galileo, Isaac Newton and Copernicus.

Linus Pauling: Pauling received two Novel prizes, one in Chemistry and another for Peace.

Blaise Pascal: Did you know mathematics is also a science?

Aristotle: This ancient scientist was fascinated with animals, including humans.

Robert Boyle: The “father of chemistry” was born in Ireland and friends with Isaac Newton.